The course is designed to provide theory through lectures, complemented by a hands-on real-world resource modeling project using GEOVIA SURPAC. The course covers following topics among others: drillhole data and database, solid modelling, geostatistics, blockmodeling, pit optimisation and. oversee drillhole database management to estimating block models. Drillhole data can be imported from: Files stored on your computer or a network location.
The course will provide users with understanding of how software tools can be applied to perform common geological and engineering tasks. Interface to any popular database product and work in real time while connected to that data.

Data management Employ sophisticated database tools to store, manage and review drilling data. Coordinates are AMG in AGD66 Zone 55)/Contents(Coordinates are AMG in AGD66 Zone 55)/Type/Annot/Subj(Text Box)/Rect/CreationDate(D:20060104103415+11'00')/NM(_cZ_DyNgBid6q0nA3QunDD)/Subtype/FreeText/M(D:20060104103503+11'00')/P 1 0 R/T(rrichard)/AP/DA(1 1 1 rg /TiRo 9 Tf)/DS(font: 'Times New Roman',serif 9.0pt text-align:left color:#000000 )>endobj185 0 obj/Font>/DA(/Helv 0 Tf 0 g )>endobj186 0 objendobj187 0 objendobj188 0 objendobj189 0 objendobj190 0 objendobj191 0 objendobj192 0 �a�>O����l�]8� �(w��ڼ��/�/"���wT����g�������aK�����>�I��O��U�j�uK��E�l5U�. in carrying out 3-D resource modelling using Surpac software leading to resource estimation: 1. The course includes lectures and exercises done with Surpac. Surpac, which harnesses powerful 3D graphics, geostatistics, and an integrated modeling environment.